2,630 research outputs found

    Internationalization strategies of companies in the wine industry in Portugal – context, forms of action and performance.

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    This research project aims to analyze the competitive environment of companies in the wine sector in Portugal and assess the implications in the development of contingent strategic guidelines and different performances.Proposes to apply the methodological framework the IKST – Integrated Key for Strategic Thought for international expansion. The research was carried out at two levels: at a preliminary level – a general characterisation was made of the companies as to their resources, and at a central level – the examination of the strategic aspect of the companies was carried out. The research involved the collection of primary data (survey of 164 companies in the sector) and secondary data (from documentary nature). Explores the strategic aspect, analyzing the sector in terms of global and national context, in order to design a diagnostic context of action, using the models of PEST and 5 Forces. Identifies, based on various statistical techniques, the adopted style of strategic thought and the profile in terms of contextual variables, as well as the underlying economic performance


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    This research aims to analyze the competitive environment of companies in the wine sector in Portugal and assess the implications in the development of contingent strategic guidelines and different performances. Proposes to apply the methodological framework IKST – Integrated Key for Strategic Thought for international expansion. The research was carried out at two levels: at a preliminary level – a general characterisation was made of the companies as to their resources, and at a central level – the examination of the strategic aspect of the companies was carried out. The research involved the collection of primary data (survey of 164 companies in the sector) and secondary data (from documentary nature). Explores the strategic aspect, analyzing the sector in terms of global and national context, in order to design a diagnostic context of action, using the models of PEST and 5 Forces. Identifies, based on various statistical techniques, the adopted style of strategic thought and their profile in terms of contextual variables, as well as the underlying economic performance

    P2 purinoceptors signaling in fibroblasts of rat subcutaneous tissue

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    Mestrado em Biologia Molecular e CelularO tecido conjuntivo parece estar envolvido na génese de diversas condições patológicas. O aumento da rigidez do tecido conjuntivo, resultante da fibrose, pode constituir um factor importante no mecanismo patogénico da dor crónica resistente a fármacos (Langevin & Sherman, 2007). Por outro lado, os nucleótidos extracelulares parecem estar envolvidos na fisiopatologia da dor crónica (Burnstock, 2001). Assim, este estudo teve como objectivo averiguar o efeito dos nucleótidos de adenina e uridina na proliferação e síntese de colagénio tipo I de fibroblastos do tecido subcutâneo de rato em cultura. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a incubação com UTP (0.3-100 M, n=5) induz um aumento da proliferação e da produção de colagénio tipo I, o qual é dependente da concentração. Contrariamente, o agonista selectivo dos receptores P2Y2, o MRS 2768 (10 μM, n=3), não teve qualquer efeito no que se refere à proliferação, mas diminuiu significativamente (P<0.05) a síntese de colagénio tipo I. Uma vez que o aumento da produção de colagénio induzida pelo UTP (100 μM) foi proporcional ao aumento do número de células (proliferação celular),podemos especular que este aumento se deve ao aumento do número de células per si do que a uma maior actividade sintética de cada célula. Assim, ao normalizar os valores do colagénio tipo I em relação aos valores obtidos do MTT para os mesmos momentos/dias, deixamos de observar diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre o controlo e as células expostas ao UTP. Uma vez que os receptores P2Y2 não parecem estar envolvidos nesta resposta do UTP (100 μM), esta poderá estar a ser mediada pela activação dos receptores P2Y4 e/ou P2Y6. Considerando que o RB-2 (10 μM, n=5), um antagonista não selectivo que actua preferencialmente no subtipo de receptores P2Y4, não foi capaz de modificar a resposta induzida pelo UTP (100 μM), os receptores P2Y4 parecem também não estar envolvidos. Por outro lado, o MRS 2578 (100 nM), um antagonista selectivo dos receptores P2Y6, atenuou de forma significativa o aumento induzido pelo UTP (100 μM). A corroborar os nossos resultados, uma análise imunocitoquímica mostrou uma imunorreactividade positiva contra os receptores P2Y2 e P2Y6, mostrando um padrão de marcação citoplasmático/membranar, o qual é típico para este tipo de receptores, ao contrário do padrão nuclear exibido pelo anticorpo contra os receptores P2Y4. Relativamente ao envolvimento dos receptores sensíveis ao ADP, os resultados obtidos mostraram que o ADPβS (10-100 μM, n=3-6), um análogo estável do ADP, não parece induzir efeitos significativamente diferentes (P>0.05) na proliferação celular. Contudo, a sua incubação continuada aumentou a produção de colagénio tipo I de forma dependente da concentração (P<0.05). De modo a identificar os receptores purinérgicos envolvidos neste efeito, testamos o ADPβS (100 μM) na presença do MRS 2179 (0.3 μM), do AR-C 66096 (0.1 μM), e do MRS 2211 (10 μM), os quais antagonizam selectivamente os receptores P2Y1, P2Y12 e P2Y13, respectivamente. O efeito facilitatório induzido pelo ADPβS (100 μM) foi atenuado de forma significativa na presença do antagonista dos receptores P2Y1, o MRS 2179 (0.3 μM, n=3), sem ser afectado pelo antagonista dos receptores P2Y12, o AR- C 66096 (0.1 μM, n=3). Pelo contrário, o MRS 2211 (10 μM, n=2) potenciou o aumento da produção de colagénio induzida pelo ADPβS (100 μM), indicando assim que a síntese de colagénio tipo I induzida pelo receptor P2Y1 pode estar a ser parcialmente influenciada por uma activação síncrona do receptor inibitório P2Y13. Por último, uma análise por imunocitoquímica mostrou que estas células apresentam imunorreactividade positiva para os receptores P2Y1 e P2Y13, exibindo um padrão citoplasmático/membranar, contrariamente ao padrão nuclear dos receptores ostentado pelo anticorpo contra os receptores P2Y12. Concluindo, a remodelação da fáscia superficial induzida pelos fibroblastos parece ser regulada por um balanço entre a activação dos receptores P2Y2 e P2Y6, assim como dos receptores P2Y13 e P2Y1. Clarificar as vias que conduzem ao processo de fibrose pode representar uma oportunidade para esclarecer o seu envolvimento na patogénese da dor crónica musculo-esquelética, bem como ser útil no desenvolvimento de novas estratégias terapêuticas.Connective tissue may be involved in the pathogenesis of a wide variety of disease conditions. Increased connective tissue stiffness due to fibrosis may be an important link to the pathogenic mechanism leading to drug-resistant chronic pain (Langevin & Sherman, 2007). In addition, extracellular nucleotides seem to be involved in the pathophysiology of chronic pain (Burnstock, 2001). Therefore, we aimed at investigating the effect of adenine and uridine nucleotides on the proliferation and synthesis of type I collagen by rat fibroblasts from subcutaneous connective tissue. The results showed that continuous incubation of UTP (0.3-100 M, n=5) concentration-dependently increased fibroblasts proliferation, as also increased the synthesis of type I collagen above the control levels. Conversely, the selective P2Y2 agonist, MRS 2768 (10 μM, n=3), was devoid of effect in what concerns proliferation, but significantly (P<0.05) decreased type I collagen synthesis. Since the increase in type I collagen synthesis induced by UTP (100 μM) was proportional to the increase in the amount of cells in the culture (fibroblasts proliferation), we speculated that such an increase could be related to the increase in the cell number rather than a higher synthetic activity. Thus, we performed a more detailed data analysis, in which we normalized type I collagen production taking into consideration the MTT values obtained at the same time points, and we observed no longer significant differences between control and UTP-exposed cells. Discounting the contribution of MRS 2768-sensitive P2Y2 receptors, UTP (100 μM)-induced increase in cells proliferation could be due to P2Y4 and/or P2Y6 receptor activation. Since RB-2 (10 μM, n=5), a non-selective antagonist that acts preferentially on the P2Y4 subtype, did not modify the effect of UTP (100 μM), P2Y4 does not seem to be involved. In turn, MRS 2578 (100 nM), which is a selective P2Y6 antagonist, significantly attenuated UTP (100 μM)-induced increase. To corroborate our results, an immunocytochemistry analysis showed a positive immunoreactivity against the P2Y2 and P2Y6 receptors exhibiting a cytoplasmic/membrane labeling pattern, which is typical for those receptors in many different cells, conversely to the nuclear labeling pattern exhibited by the antibody against the P2Y4. To investigate the involvement of ADP-sensitive P2 receptors on cell proliferation and extracellular matrix production, fibroblast cultures were continuously incubated with the stable ADP analogue, ADPβS (10-100 μM). Results obtained with ADPβS (10-100 μM, n=3-6) showed no significant (P>0.05) differences in fibroblast cells proliferation. However, a continuous incubation with ADPβS (10-100 μM, n=2-5) concentration-dependently increased type I collagen production by fibroblasts (P<0.05). In order to identify which purinoceptor(s) that could be mediating this effect, we tested ADPβS (100 μM) in the presence of MRS 2179 (0.3 μM), AR-C 66096 (0.1 μM), and MRS 2211 (10 μM), which antagonize selectively ADP-sensitive P2Y1, P2Y12 and P2Y13 receptors, respectively. The facilitatory effect of ADPβS (100 μM) was significantly attenuated in the presence of the P2Y1 antagonist, MRS 2179 (0.3 μM, n=3), without being affected by the P2Y12 antagonist, AR- C 66096 (0.1 μM, n=3). In contrast, MRS 2211 (10 μM, n=2) potentiated the effect of ADPβS (100 μM) on type I collagen synthesis, thus indicating that the P2Y1-receptor-induction of type I collagen synthesis may be partially counteracted by synchronous activation of the inhibitory P2Y13 receptor. Finally, an immunocytochemistry analysis showed that these cells exhibit immunoreactivity to P2Y1 and P2Y13 receptors with a cytoplasmic/membrane staining pattern, conversely to the nuclear pattern of P2Y12. Concluding, a delicate balance between the activation of P2Y2 and P2Y6, as well as P2Y13 and P2Y1 purinoceptors, might regulate fibroblast’s induced superficial fascia remodeling. Targeting the pathways leading to fibrosis may represent an opportunity to clarify its involvement in the pathogenesis of musculoskeletal chronic pain and it may be useful for designing novel therapeutic strategies to overcome this disease

    O efeito da técnica de inibição de Jones nos músculos Masseter e temporal nas disfunções temporomandibulares

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    Introdução: A disfunção temporomandibular (DTM), de causa muscular, caracteriza-se por uma dor músculo-esquelética crónica, com sinais e sintomas específicos como a presença de Trigger Points (TrPs). Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da Técnica de Inibição de Jones (TIJ) nos músculos masseter e temporal em indivíduos com DTM, e a identificação dos sinais e sintomas, a relação entre a severidade da DTM, a ansiedade e a qualidade de sono. Métodos: Estudo quasi-experimental, constituído por 16 indivíduos no grupo experimental (GE) e 17 grupo controle (GC). O grau de severidade foi avaliado pelo Índice de Helkimo e as alterações do sono pelo questionário de Pittsburgh sobre a qualidade do sono. Apenas o GE foi sujeito a uma TIJ nos TrPs latentes dos músculos masseter e temporal. Os dois grupos foram avaliados pré-intervenção (M0), pós-intervenção (M1) e 3 semanas após (M2), as amplitudes de movimento ativas de abertura, lateralidade direita/esquerda e protusão da boca bem como a dor (EVA) em repouso e na abertura máxima. Resultados: Foi possível observar que quanto maior o grau de DTM, maior a frequência de ansiedade e pior a qualidade do sono. Observou-se um decréscimo de TrPs, no GE, após a aplicação da técnica, principalmente no masseter. Não foi possível verificar diferenças inter-grupos. Contudo, observou-se no GE uma melhoria em todas as amplitudes avaliadas entre o M0 e o M2. Em relação à EVA em repouso e na abertura máxima, o GE demonstrou diminuição da dor no M1 e manteve valores inferiores no M2. Conclusão: Verifica-se uma diminuição dos TrPs, uma melhoria das amplitudes ativas bem como uma diminuição da dor após a aplicação da TIJ no GE. Já ao longo do tempo, o efeito é menos expressivo contudo observam-se valores inferiores comparativamente a M0.The temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD), by muscle cause, is characterized by a chronic musculoskeletal pain, with specific signs and symptoms such as the presence of Trigger Points (TrPs). Objective: To evaluate the effect of Inhibition Technique of Jones (ITJ) in the masseter and temporal muscles in TMD patients, and the identification of signs and symptoms, the relation between TMD severity, anxiety and sleep quality. Methods: A quasi-experimental study, with 16 subjects in the experimental group (EG) and 17 in the control group (CG). The degree of severity was assessed by Helkimo Index and sleep disorders by Pittsburgh’s Sleep Quality Questionnaire. Only GE has been subject to ICJ on latent TRPs in the masseter and temporal muscles. The two groups were assessed pre-intervention (M0), post-intervention (M1) and 3 weeks after (M2), range of motion active opening, laterality left / right and protrusion of the mouth and pain (VAS) in rest and at maximum aperture. Conclusion: It was observed that the greater the degree of TMD, the higher the frequency of anxiety and poor sleep quality. There was a decrease of TRPs in GE, after application of the technique, especially in masseter. Unable to verify differences between groups. However, there was an improvement in GE in all measured amplitudes between M0 and M2. Regarding the VAS at rest and at maximum aperture, the EG showed decreased pain on M1 and remained lower in the M2


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    The wine sector is currently facing a transformation all over the world. Facing a surplus, it rebuilds itself. In Brazil, firms assist to the decline of their market share (but reflecting a tendency to protectionism) to imported wines although per capita consumption begins to overcome discreetly an historical stagnation with perspectives of sustainable growth. Thus, it is of utmost importance to look for new capabilities in order to achieve greater integration in a globally fragmented market and with low attractiveness rates. The wine pole of Vale do São Francisco (VSF), though emergent, already needs to find a new strategic innovative positioning. However, it reveals some innovative features. This study has as its main objectives (a) to analyze the strategic and innovative adaptations of local firms; (b) to propose innovative additional lines of strategic action; and (c) to perspective their success possibilities in the new globalized competitive environment. The methodological positioning is set out through the study of multiple and exploratory cases

    Media and ict as promoters of school readiness: beliefs from parents and young children

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    The present study aims to explore the results of an educational practice that implemented ICT as a promoter of School Readiness (SR) in preschoolers from an economically disadvantaged area. It intends to: a) Document the effectiveness of the practice in terms of concrete and measurable SR outcomes; b) Characterize the possible drivers and barriers of implementing such practice in preschool, gathering the perceptions of children and their parents. The intervention took place in a public preschool in Lisbon surroundings, during 4 months (16 sessions of 60 minutes each). The final sample includes 22 preschoolers and 12 parents. The mixed methods research design included scales, systematic observation and interviews with both children and parents. Main results emphasize: the improvement of SR in children, with statistically significant results between pre and post intervention assessment; the perception of a high educational value attributed to the intervention by both children and parents; and the beliefs of parents about ICT, mainly grounded on risks, emerging from their notion of being less empowered than their children in using it. These results also highlight the discussion on how to empower parents with lower educational levels to raise children in a highly digital world.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    STRATEGY AND INNOVATION IN ORDER TO BE COMPETITIVE IN A GLOBALIZED WORLD; an evolutionary analysis of the emerging wine sector pole of São Francisco Valley (Brazil).

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    Globalized and fragmented, the wine production sector reconfigures itself. The New World Wine Producers innovate in wine sector management by means of industrial production logics. Brazil faces the challenge of reaching a wider global insertion. The emerging pole of Vale do São Francisco, through a comparative and exploratory multiple case study (2006 to 2010), shows an evolutionary phenomenology with some innovative features. The objective is to analyze the regional innovative strategic positioning and to present proposals to accrued innovative competitiveness

    Empowerment and ownership in intellectual disability gaming: Review and reflections towards an able gaming perspective (2010-2020)

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    As with other populations, the usage of games by people with Intellectual Disability (ID) has been increasingly approached by research. Notwithstanding, the role of games in the lives of people with disabilities tends to be studied through a categorical picture that emphasizes its therapeutic characteristics and neglects games as recreation and as a form of cultural expression. The present work aims to review the main research outcomes of the last 10 years in the field of gaming and ID. It presents an analysis of the main research objectives and approaches to gaming adopted in the analysed studies, as a path to reflect on two specific concepts: empowerment and ownership. Therefore, a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) methodology, accompanied by statistical and content analysis procedures, was adopted to analyse a sample of 61 peer-reviewed research papers (2010-2020) in this field. The obtained results emphasize the passive role of individuals with ID in games research, with gaming mainly seen through therapeutic our game-based learning approaches. The presented reflection on inclusive research, through the parallelism between game studies and critical disability studies, also highlights that the access to games, as a cultural expression, for people with ID could foster the inclusion of these individuals in the public sphere, both in media and in the democratic civic structures. The produced insights intend to frame future approaches that situate the potential of games and their accessibility as strategies to decrease environmental barriers and hindrances that people with ID face in their specific contexts and foster inclusion


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    O presente trabalho de investigação visa analisar o contexto competitivo das empresas do sector vitivinícola e avaliar as implicações no desenvolvimento de orientações estratégicas contingentes e performances diversas. Propõe a aplicação do referencial metodológico Grelha Integrada de Reflexão Estratégica adaptada a um contexto de internacionalização - GIRE(i), estruturando a pesquisa em dois níveis, um preliminar, de caracterização genérica das empresas, e outro central, de análise da sua vertente estratégica. A pesquisa implicou a recolha de dados primários (questionário aos empresários do sector) e secundários (de natureza documental). Explora a vertente estratégica, analisando o contexto do sector em termos mundiais e nacionais, de forma a desenhar um diagnóstico do seu contexto de acção, recorrendo aos modelos PEST e Modelo das 5 Forças. Identifica, com base em diversas técnicas estatísticas, os tipos de reflexão estratégica adoptados e o seu perfil em termos de variáveis contextuais, assim como as performances económicas subjacentes

    Técnicas de obturação termoplásticas: onda contínua de calor e carrier based

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    O Tratamento Endodôntico Não Cirúrgico, é composto por diferentes fases, entre as quais se destacam o acesso endodôntico, instrumentação, desinfeção e a obturação. Depois de uma abertura cuidadosa, é importante ter o canal instrumentado e conformado para facilitar a irrigação e garantir uma correta desinfeção, o que combinado com uma obturação hermética e tridimensional irá garantir uma maior taxa de sucesso. As técnicas termoplásticas, ao utilizarem um material termoplástico em conjunto com o cimento, permitem preencher melhor os espaços e o acesso a zonas com anatomias mais complexas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi efectuar uma pesquisa bibliográfica para analisar e comparar duas técnicas de obturação: a Onda Contínua de Calor e a Carrier Based. Com a realização deste trabalho encontramos que devido à especificidade do caso clínico e às características anatómicas há influencia na escolha da técnica de obturação.Non-surgical Endodontic Treatment consists of different phases, among which stand out endodontic access, instrumentation, disinfection and a filling. After a careful opening, it is important to have the channel instrumented and shaped to facilitate irrigation and ensure proper disinfection, which combined with a hermetic and three-dimensional seal to ensure a higher success rate. The thermoplastic techniques, when using a thermoplastic material in conjunction with the cement, better accessory of the spaces and access to zones with more complex anatomies. The objective of this work is to perform a bibliographical research to analyze and compare two techniques of obturation: a Continuous Wave and a Carrier Based. With the accomplishment of this work and its specification of the clinical case and the anatomical characteristics in the influence of the choice of the technique of obturation